my professor didn’t like the third milestone. I want you to fix it based on her comment and my teammate’s comment. this is her comment:
(While your submission has key components of logic model (table describing inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes), it lacks completely understanding of what RISE29 does. It literally misses ALL published materials on the program as well as the discussion with the client. Keep in mind that your next milestone will deal with the community-based projects done by RISE29. Even for this new milestone, this submission is not acceptable. RISE29 is not limited to needs assessments. The logic model for community-based projects should focus on the projects themselves, not just transit systems. Make sure to make an appointment with me to connect on the course.)
my teammates comments:
convert the 3rd logic model (Logic Model for RISE 29) to be based off of the RISE 29 programs and not the transit systems? That was part of the reason out grade was low and we need to make the changes she suggested for our final presentation.
we need to fix it to refer to the logic model we put in the Final Presentation for Milestone 3 (Logic Model for RISE 29) as we updated it a bit and it lines up better with the info we had for Milestones 4 and 5.