political science homework 2

Political Cartoon Analysis Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with course topics by exploring current events.
The political cartoon you chose to analyze must be from this year.
The political cartoon (art work) or a link to the cartoon must be provided.
The cartoon must be political in nature. It can cover any issue relevant to the U.S. and can be found from a media or political website of your choice.
Cite the source (Example: USA Today)
Example sources:Politico
US News
Washington Times
The Week

List the objects or people in the cartoon.
Describe the words or phrases, if any, in the cartoon that appear to be the most significant. Describe what makes them so important to the cartoon.
What do the objects symbolize?
What current event and/or issue is the cartoon covering? Please expand on the issue by providing background and context. This is the most important component of the assignment.
Explain the message of the cartoon in detail.

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